What is a Target-Fund Date and Why Should I Care?

Cristina Perez, a Bayntree Financial Advisor, dives into the world of Target Date Funds. If you have heard about Target-Date funds and are unsure if they are right for you check out this video.

Benefits of Target Date Funds:

  • They take the guesswork out of investment planning, as they are professionally managed and automatically adjust risk levels.
  • Mitigate risks like longevity, market fluctuations, and inflation.
  • Offer a single fund solution for a well-diversified retirement portfolio.

Is a Target Date Fund Right for You?
Consider a Target Date Fund if you prefer a hassle-free approach to investing, without the need to research individual mutual fund options. Consult your tax advisor for personalized advice, or reach out to us, Bayntree Wealth Advisors, for more information. Click the video above to learn more.

Take charge of your retirement future. To discuss any questions you may have, please contact us at (480) 494-2750 or click here to schedule a 15-minute call.

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