Your FREE Retirement Readiness Assessment

Our 3-step process is tailored to help you achieve greater retirement success and minimize your tax liabilities.

Review Your Current Investments

Review Your Current tax

Answer Your Questions About Retirement

Book a 15-minute Call

A short chat will help ensure your situation and goals match our team's abilities!


Team Meeting

The next step is to schedule a 1-hour meeting with our team, either in person or virtually. We'll explore your goals, discuss any challenges, and dream up your ideal retirement together.


Review Your Retirement Readiness

After completing your Retirement Readiness Review, we'll meet to review our recommendations. We’ll provide you with straightforward, actionable strategies to optimize your taxes and enhance your investment opportunities so you'll be well on your way to turning your retirement plans into reality!


Think on it!

After taking these steps toward securing your dream retirement, we encourage you to take some time to think things over. We're all about building lasting relationships, not rushing into decisions. There’s no pressure or hard sell—just a friendly, supportive approach dedicated to helping you achieve your retirement dreams.

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule Your Free 15-Minute Call

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Years In Business


Years of Combined
Advisor Experience


Families Prepared
For Their Future

We believe helping clients invest for the future means more than just focusing on financial planning. Because every financial journey is unique, we prioritize building relationships and tailoring plans for your specific goals.

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Why Bayntree?

Your FREE Retirement Readiness Assessment

Book Your 15-Minute Call with a Bayntree Advisor

Let's chat! A brief call will help ensure your situation and goals match our team's abilities.

Team Meeting (Either in Person or Virtual)

Let's meet! We'll discuss your goals, challenges, and retirement dreams so we can start crafting a clear path to your ideal retirement.

Review Your Retirement Readiness Assessment

Let's review! We’ll discuss recommendations and actionable steps to keep you on track to meet your goals for retirement.

Book Your 15-Minute Call Today!

To make the most of our time together, please answer a few brief questions. (You can zip through them in about 90 seconds!)

If you don't see availability on our calendar that works for you, just give our office a call at 480-494-2750 and we'll do our best to accommodate you.

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