Target Date Funds, Risk Portfolio vs DIY 401k Investing

Unsure whether to choose target date funds or self-directed investing for your 401(k)? This enlightening video breaks down the pros and cons of each approach.


  • How target date funds automatically adjust risk based on your expected retirement age
  • When a more hands-on, self-directed investing strategy might better suit your goals
  • The importance of understanding your risk tolerance and monitoring market trends
  • Factors to consider when deciding between target date funds and customized portfolios
  • How to assess and adjust your 401(k) investment strategy over time

There are also valuable insights on optimizing your retirement savings by making the most of your 401(k) plan's investment options.

Watch now to gain the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your 401(k) investments and secure your financial future!

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📞 Schedule a Call With a Bayntree Financial Advisor to discuss your 401k or learn more about the other tools we discussed in this video

401(k) Education
Retirement Planning