Prioritize Your Time Like a Celebrity with Tarra Stubbins

When celebrities, musicians, and the ultra-wealthy want toget their time back and become more productive, they call Tarra Stubbins. Tarra made a career providing concierge services and assistance to artists like the Rolling Stones, Lady Gaga, Kiss, and Drake–and now supports a wide range of business owners at the highest level at Take It Easy Personal Concierge. 

In our conversation, Tarra and I dig into how her pursuit of success as an artist helped her find her lane behind the scenes and what she’s learned about time management and routines from her time around the world’s biggest superstars. 

You’ll also hear how the most successful people in the world are laser-focused on their goals, projects, and pursuits and how having the right people in executive assistant roles make huge contributions to the success of both CEOs and rock stars, even remotely or virtually.

Key takeaways:
  • How Tarra launched her career by hopping on a tour bus with Kenny Rogers and doing the behind the scenes work that needed to be done. 
  • Tarra’s approach to building trust and credibility with VIP clients and ultra high net worth individuals. 
  • Why no celebrity or CEO’s daily routine is going to be the single thing that makes you as successful as they are–and how to meaningfully start taking back your time.
  • The power of controlling your schedule, building discipline in your practice, and simply showing up.
  • How remote, hybrid, and virtual executive assistants can continue to add value without being in the same place as their clients. 
Interview Resources:

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